Lotto68 50/50 Draw (Payroll contribution program)

Full-time, part-time and casual employees of Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools (NLPS) are invited to sign-up for a 50/50 draw benefiting students.  A $5 entry fee is deducted through NLPS payroll for a chance to win the Lotto68 50/50 draw.

Each payday, a deduction is made from your pay cheque. Half of this deduction is a non-tax deductible contribution to the Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation to provide scholarships to graduating students. The other half is placed in the prize pool.  100% of that prize pool is awarded to the staff member whose name is drawn.

BC Gaming Event License #137641; Chances are 1 in (total # of entries) to win 

To Enter

Download the 2022-2023 Lotto68 50/50 form Complete and return to 

There are two draws per month

One per pay period. The draws take place the first Monday of every month. Lucky winners will be contacted directly by the Foundation and will be announced via district email.

Try your Luck

Last year our winners won a total of $10,000

Thank you to everyone who played in 2021-2022!

$10,000 in scholarships were awarded to graduating students in 2022

Must be a full-time, part-time or casual employee of NLPS

  • Must be 19+ to play
  • Foundation staff are not eligible
  • You are responsible for keeping your employment status and contact information up to date with the Foundation
  • A report of payroll deductions is provided to the Foundation by NLPS Payroll each pay period.  You can only receive an entry in pay periods in which you have earned income
  • A report of payroll deductions is provided to the Foundation by NLPS Payroll each pay period.  You can only receive an entry in pay periods in which you have earned income
  • Staff will not receive entries during unpaid leaves
  • A report of payroll deductions is provided to the Foundation by NLPS Payroll each pay period.  You can only receive an entry in pay periods in which you have earned income
  • Staff will not receive entries during unpaid leaves