Student Support Fund

The needs are great

Without basis necessities

“Too high a proportion of children come to school without even the basic necessities – food to begin with, clean clothing, school supplies – and many don’t have opportunities to take part in such things as sports, recreation, field trips, and they may be less likely to socialize with other children in the classroom.”  – Dr. Paul Hasselback, Medical Health Officer, Island Health  Misconceptions about Child Poverty

Students received school supplies in 2022-2023
Athletic, student & grad fees
$ 0
Basic supplies (clothing/shoes)

Poverty is very real in our schools

With your support, the Foundation is able to help get kids to school healthy, happy and ready to learn by providing  food programs and supporting other basic needs. Local donors and a partnership with the Breakfast Club of Canada ensure that many students can start their school day with a meal. Many children come to school hungry, without school supplies or shoes for PE, with ill-fitting or dirty clothes, with no money for field trips, school sports and grad ceremonies.

The annual Stock the Lockers campaign raises funds for school supplies and other practical needs of vulnerable school children.  

Your gift can mean the difference between a student's success or failure at school.